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Home Framing Steel Accessories Specialty Steel 27 in x 97 in Phillips Self Furring V-Groove Diamond Mesh Lath

27 in x 97 in Phillips Self Furring V-Groove Diamond Mesh Lath

PART 787HS16-06512
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About this item

Phillips Self Furring V-Groove Diamond Mesh Lath is manufactured with approximately ¼” deep grooves and 5 grooves per sheet. V-Grooves ensure thorough plaster penetration and strong mechanical bond. V-Groove Lath is easily shaped for curved or contoured surface, maintains consistent plaster depths and eliminates need for added furring strips. To maintain the designed V-groove furring characteristics, fasteners must be applied within the V-cavity.

  • Used over surfaces like concrete, cement board, column fireproofing, masonry and replastering over old surfaces


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